Universal Common Problems

The Tyranny of Toddlers: A Universal Problem.

I have it from a good though somewhat sleep deprived authority that, if like me you are not blessed with walking, talking, food and money consuming reminders of the passage of the years and the futility of modern 1st world consumerism*, then you have no idea of the constant state of anxiety that results from the ever ending onslaught of spontaneous public disasters that toddlers manufacture with production line efficiency with seeming zero effort and planning. Though they may be fashioned in your and your partner's (or maybe even "other concerned know or unknown party's) image, study after study has without deviation proven that

the behaviour of as yet not socialised tiny but terrifying toddler has lasting effects on it's parents career prospects, long term social standing, financial situation, digestive, physical and mental health.

that the fate that befell Professor Robert Kelly while being interviewed live-to-air for a program on BBC News International and captured on a NFBVOV* YouTube video is neither an exaggerated nor atypical example of the unexpected trouble toddlers can cause you no matter what the time of day, what you happen to be doing or where circumstances may find you.

Still unconvinced? The maybe this will answer any niggling doubts you may have.

The Prosecution rests!

*Now famous by virtue of viral

I'm Getting Looked At ... A Lot!

1,119,942 Times In Fact!

I'm loving that the consideration I put into choosing which pics to post (and which pics not to post) to Google Maps is paying off for folks inasmuch as they are catching people's eye and folks are using the double click, to check out my pics!

I have to confess to sneaking the occasional cameo of myself and a friend or two in sometimes. :-)

 Take the above pic for example taken at The Crown and Shuttle, one of my neighbourhood pubs when I was living in Shoreditch, London IN 2016. One of my favourite girlfriends from Bulgaria, Desislava was with me that day so I slipped a shot that happened to include a cameo of the two of us enjoying a lager together into the featured pics posted on Google Maps.

Now it just so happened that that DAY, unbeknownst to us, we were photo bombed by some homely looking but brazen blond bloke.You can imagine our disappointment when we were later looking through the photo's later on and found a few that were ruined by him planting his butt perfectly in frame sharing the pic with Desi! Sad to think that some get their jollies ruining the photo"s of others.

I was determined not to be put off by this blatant attention seeking behaviour.
So I decided to slip that one in too!


Thrifty And Sexy!

Trying to nut Out exactly how to be
thrifty and sexy
all at once
without appearing

Be we straight or gay or somewhere in between, which of us doesn't struggle with this early 21st century curse of modern man's sex life?

My mate, Shawn Groen and the good folk over a XPLCIT Assistance have burst out of the proverbial post Mardi Gras blues bunker with a solution in hand! 

Here's the help that all we men so desperately need 

without breaking out pockets.

Check it out online here or if you're in or around the city tonight

take yourself over to his pop up shop at blank_space Gallery

374 Crown Street and grab yourself .....
 a bargain! 

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People's Choise