Cardinal Bernard Francis Law: The Dead Fidler

They say that you should only speak good of the dead. 

Cardinal Bernard Law is dead - Good!

#BringBackTheDeathSentence  #CatholicChurch    #Truth    #SexOffenders  #Paedophiles


I Know You Would Be Offended

To All My Friends of Faith.
Specifically my practicing Christian, Muslim
and Jewish Friends:
Multiple Times a Day, Every Day
I Refrain from Posting Memes I Think Up and thoughts that
Poke Holes in and Generally Ridicule The Nonsense You Claim as Your Beliefs
(Let’s Admit it: Low Hanging Fruit)
Primarily Out of Genuine Concern of Offending You.
Though The More I Consider This, The Less I Understand Why You Should Take Offence
at My Memes.
They're Just Memes After all.
It's Not Like I
Proudly Follow A Book
That Says You Deserve To Burn For Eternity
For Not Having The Same
Beliefs As Me.
Now THAT Would Be Offensive.
Just sayin’.

Seniors? Hang On!

I guess you know that 50 is less than 12 months away when ...

I need to update my span filters ... 

You receive your first spam email offering you free trial membership to .....

online dating sites for seniors!

I need to update my spam filters ... I am definitely not ready to sign up for!

A Foreigner's Perspective

Now the voting is done, for better or for worse ... here's a look at what our esteemed politicians have put us through from a foreigners perspective.

Pope Francis To Call The International Space Station

In just under 30 minutes time at precisely midnight tonight, 26 October 2017 Pope Francis will place a call to the crew aboard the International Space Station.

#PopeFrancis #ISS #InternationalSpaceStastion #Nazi #NaziWarCriminal

Firstly however, a sinscere commitment to my readership: I will refrain from writing in a cynical manner. I will focus solely on the facts associated with this event. I will resist the temptation of including statements such as "Big Bloody Deal!" and "Who Cares A Tinker's Cus?" (as I have demonstrated by the absence of words even remotely similar in this post's title. Neither shall I make reference to a previous post (Hysterical Virgins Who Can't Keep Their Hands Off Of Our Children) or claims therein regarding the Catholic Church being an international criminal organisation protecting paedophiles, money launderers and drug traffickers. Nor shall I decry it's leadership as being a morally bankrupt, misogynistic and homophobic gerontocracy that is more the lover of poverty than of the poor.

This is not the first time that a pope has placed a call to the heavens in the only verifiable way available.

The former pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI (a.k.a. "The Panzer Cardinal") made the first call from the Vatican to the ISS in May of 2011 (before resigning later that year in what would have been a disgrace had the circumstances been made officially public). On that occasion the ISS was full to the brim with Astronauts and Cosmonauts (12 in total) as the Shuttle Endeavour STS was dropping off some the straggler crew members of Expedition 27 and 3 months worth of frozen TV dinners.

Above: The Official STS-134 Crew Portrait. Clockwise: NASA astronauts Mark Kelly (bottom center), commander; Gregory H. Johnson, pilot; Michael Fincke, Greg Chamitoff, Andrew Feustel and European Space Agency’s Roberto Vittori, all mission specialists. Image credit: NASA 

On that occasion the pope read from a pre-prepared 6 minutes statement, somewhat stiffly in english to the assembled crews and steered clear of any controversial subject matter (including his membership of the Hitler Youth and subsequent service in the Luftwaffe), sticking to topics that could be best categorised as small talk consisting primarily of bleedingly obvious observations and assorted statements around the central theme of what a great view you must all have up there.

Pope Francis will speak with European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Paolo Nespoli and three NASA astronauts: Randy Bresnik, Mark Vande Hei and Joe Acaba. As this Pope is renown for having a less militaristic formal disposition than his predecessor, Frank (as His Holiness is known around Rome after hours) is expected to be greatly more relaxed in his discourse with the all male selection of crew members on the receiving end of his jollity. Further adding to the anticipated relaxed nature of the call, this Pope is by comparison a man of science, admitting the veracity of the theory of evolution, accepting the big bang theory as being the best explanation for the cosmos that we currently have and even a publicly stated position supporting Pope John Paul II's shocking 1992 concession that the Church had "erred" 359 years previously in condemning Galileo Galilei' for his assertion that the Earth revolved around the Sun as being patently untrue and sentencing him to house arrest for the remaining 11 years of his life. Better late than never as Frank says.

Above: Galileo facing Pope Urban III in 1633. Galileo was put on trial for heresy contending the earth revolves around the sun. He was convicted and put on house arrest until his death in 1694.

There is a slim possibility that the female member of the crew and the Russian orthodox Cosmonauts aboard could float by provided the completion of station keeping duties permit however in reality this is not likely.

12 Months In The Big House

Not Calling Grandpa "Mz Thang!" Could Get You 12 Months In The Big House!

On Thursday, 28 September 2017 California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into state law that allows for the goaling of people that refuse to use the preferred gender pronouns of nursing home residents.

The new law states that those "willfully and repeatedly" refusing "to use a transgender resident’s preferred name or pronouns” can be fined US$1000 (AUD $1274) and sentenced to up one year in prison.

The “LGBT Senior Bill Of Rights" also requires aged care facilities and nursing homes throughout the state to allow residents to use the bathroom of their choice. The bill’s author, state Sen. Scott Weiner, argues that religious views don’t hold weight in public areas.
“Everyone is entitled to their religious view,” Wiener said. “But when you enter the public space, when you are running an institution, you are in a workplace, you are in a civil setting, and you have to follow the law.”

In a statement publicly thanking Governor Brown for signing the bill, Wiener wrote “LGBT seniors built the modern LGBT community and led the fight for so many of the rights our community takes for granted today. It is our duty to make sure they can age with the dignity and respect they deserve.”.

So Californians will be thinking twice before deciding between his and hers when they next spy Grandpa making moves for the Max Factor!

Australians are exceptionally good at displaying empathy ... except for when we're not.

Strangers Invited To Judge If I Am Worthy of Equality And You're Complaining About Recieving An Unsolicited SMS?

I'll say from the start that I have misgivings about the YES campaign's push SMS tactic on a number of levels.

But I guess I see view it from within a much different context to that from which heterosexuals view it (including those who share some of my misgivings around the SMS tactic).

I view being forced to allow total strangers to make a judgement as to the validity of my relationships as an unwarrented demonstration of disrespect and a totally  unecessary outrage.

Whether or not my relationships are in any way equal in standing to the relationships that my brother, my sister and every other heterosexual Australian is not and should not be a matter of the subjective and often ill-informed opinion of strangers. For me, it's easy to appreciate why, relative to that outrage I ascribe a vastly diminished nuisance value to the YES campaign's use of SMSs and zero care factor as to any associated legal issues and finer points of law than others apparently do.

It's always been my observation that Australians are exceptionally good at displaying empathy ... except for when we're not.

Let's get this done. Vote YES!

#ssm #LetsGetThisDone #MarriageEquality #LoveIsLove

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